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Partnerships (Community Connections)

Partnerships (Community Connections)

As part of the Townsville Catholic Education Diocese we align our long term strategic goals with the TCEO directions. 

We also have many partnerships that assist our school:

  • Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation provide professional development and resources in the area of early literacy acquisition.
  • Murrup 
  • Palm Island Retail Store assist us in providing fruit for morning tea and lunch to students who are not provided with money or lunch from home.
  • St Vincent De Paul sends volunteers to assist within the classroom for a week each semester.
  • The Adopt a Cop Program regularly visit the school providing a positive police presence.
  • Palm Island Community Company and the Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council provide monetary assistance.
  • PCYC provides some after school activities for children and have a facility for community events.
  • TAFE provides training  for our local Indigenous Teacher Aides in achieving qualifications such as Cert III and Cert IV.
  • Onesight and Deadly Ears  offer services to assist improving the overall health of the children.
  • Joyce Palmer Health Service works in conjunction with both schools to support the Breathe Blow Cough program and Tooth Brush Cleaning program along with organising health checks and screenings.
  • Child and Youth Mental Health Service assist with our delivery of both training of staff and our Stop Think Do program for building resilience in young children and being able to choose rather than react.  
  • Kids Matters provide logical resources and guidance for our school in relation to ensuring we are assisting all students to develop healthy minds and mindsets (ways of thinking). Mind Matters and Centacare are also resources used to ensure that we are continually building social capital and developing proactive strategies to assist our staff and dealing with complex issues.
  • Headspace has also wonderful resources to assist parents and community in times of need.
  • Kagan Cooperative Learning - building students oral language opportunities, appropriate social skills along with developing strategies and structures for accountability of learning and success.
  • James Cook University - assisting new staff with research based around the need to build relationships and develop social capital in an Indigenous context